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Pets that used the pool safely all summer long cannot get out after the pool is closed with a regular cover. Children have been known to break through the ice on a partially frozen pool.
They look like a trampoline stretched tight over your pool using heavy duty springs and triple stitched straps on both sides of the cover. These straps also have wear strips on the underside at the edge of the cover. They are attached to 3/4” brass anchors drilled into the concrete or wood deck around the pool perimeter. The anchors are flush with the deck when not in use. Covers can be custom made to fit most pool situations including raised water falls, slides, fiberglass steps, spas, diving boards, decorative rocks or handrails.
Most are made of mesh and allow rain water to drain through. Any leaves on top of the cover usually blow off, so the cover stays clean. Your backyard will continue to be used in late fall and early spring as the safety cover is much nicer to look at than other covers.
There is no need to pump water off the cover and your pool is already full. Just de-winterize the equipment and start it up. The pool may have some algae, requiring chlorine, algaecide and/or a clarifier to clear it up. Once the pool has cleared, vacuum it to ‘waste’.
Pools with safety covers can be run until late September and opened by mid-May to keep the algae from getting out of hand. Some safety covers owners put the cover on the pool earlier in the fall or leave it on in the spring to keep out leaves, blossoms, etc and keep the pool running normally underneath. It is also a good idea to add extra algaecide, through the cover just before freeze up. Another option is to use both a vinyl hanging winter cover and a safety cover over top.
If you are going on vacation in the summer, you may want to put the safety cover on the pool to prevent unauthorized guests. Leave the equipment running.